the power of communication

       to do more good

Brand Renovation

A DIY guide to updating your brand when your organization's identity evolves

Is your brand feeling stale? If you answer yes to any of these questions, it might be time for an update:
  • When we talk about our organization, are we having to rewrite our core brand language to better align with who we are now?
  • Are we shifting our strategic focus in a major way?
  • Are we preparing to launch a new initiative or to phase out a significant area of our work?
  • Have we grown substantially over the last five years?

Our new DIY guide can help you figure out if it’s time to renovate your organization’s brand and help you get it done. Download the guide today for:
  • Five clear signs that it is time for a brand renovation.
  • A four-step process that makes refreshing your brand as simple as possible.
  • A case study on how the Vermont Network used this process to update their brand and visual identity.