the power of communication

       to do more good

What organizations say
The work that we began with Peace in Our Cities has really continued to thrive. You offered such a helpful…I was going to use the word springboard…and I can’t think of another word more apt!...SPRINGBOARD for the partnership to truly hone their collective message. I’m happy to say that the partnership is thriving and is coordinated when it comes to communications.
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What we do

We believe in the power of communication to create change. It’s what creates understanding, gets people to care, and inspires them to work for a better future. From defining an organization’s identity to maximizing its ability to engage partners and key audiences, we help foundations and nonprofits tap the power of communication to do more good.

PIF Coalition letter published in Washington Post
This letter by the Protecting Immigrant Families coalition draws awareness to the widening health equity gap and urges U.S. policymakers to take action to mitigate the harmful impacts of recent Medicaid policy choices.
Read in Washington Post
Seafood Source publishes Certification & Ratings Collaboration op-ed
The Certification & Ratings Collaboration is committed to helping seafood businesses take action that creates positive change among workers and their communities. This op-ed discusses the Collaboration's efforts and expectations of seafood businesses.
Read in Seafood Source
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